Address The Gaps Resulting From 1 to 3 Missing Teeth.
Fill gaps from 1 to 3 missing teeth with a custom-made dental bridge, improving both appearance and oral health.
Supported by dental implants, natural teeth, or a combination, these fixed partial dentures stay securely in place without removal for sleep or cleaning. Beyond aesthetics, dental bridges restore function, making speech and chewing easier while preventing neighbouring teeth from shifting.
Enhance your smile and oral well-being with the lasting benefits of a dental bridge.
Experience the Enduring Advantages of Dental Bridges
Experience the transformative impact of a dental bridge, eliminating the self-consciousness and discomfort caused by missing teeth. This innovative solution not only restores the natural beauty of your smile but also provides long-term benefits to your remaining teeth and overall jawbone health.
Embrace the following advantages of a dental bridge:
Enjoy renewed confidence, comfort, and ease with dental bridges—a durable solution for missing teeth. With proper care, you can smile, eat, and speak freely for over a decade.
Tooth health
Teeth work together to support each other and maintain facial structure. Missing teeth can disrupt your bite and create spaces where neighbouring teeth may shift. A dental bridge helps prevent shifting, reducing the risk of decay, gum disease, jaw pain, and TMJ issues caused by misaligned teeth.
Bone health
Healthy teeth and stable jawbones go hand in hand. When dental health declines, the bone and surrounding tissues can deteriorate. Choosing a dental bridge helps maintain your dental stability and slows the bone loss that occurs with missing teeth.
Contact us today
to schedule an initial consultation & exam.
Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.
Frequently Asked Questions
Typically, getting a dental bridge involves several appointments. After your initial consultation and treatment plan, it may take one or two visits to prepare the abutment teeth and take impressions. The final fitting of the bridge will usually require another visit. The entire process can take a few weeks, depending on the specifics of your case.
While dental bridges are a long-lasting option, they are not considered permanent. With proper care and regular dental visits, a bridge can last many years. However, over time, natural wear or changes in oral health may require adjustments or replacements.
The procedure itself is typically pain-free due to the use of local anaesthesia to numb the area around the teeth. Some mild sensitivity or discomfort might occur afterward, but it usually resolves quickly. Your dentist will give you aftercare instructions to manage any discomfort effectively.
Once your dental bridge is in place, you should be able to eat most foods just like with your natural teeth. However, it’s best to avoid very hard or sticky foods that could potentially damage the bridge. Maintaining good oral hygiene and scheduling regular dental visits will help ensure your bridge remains in good condition.
Taking care of your dental bridge is very similar to caring for natural teeth. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash regularly will help maintain your oral health and prolong the life of the bridge. Be sure to visit your dentist for routine check-ups and cleanings to monitor the bridge’s condition.